Monday, 5 October 2009


Laboratory Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) is related to the department the entire production process from raw material, receiving fresh milk to finished product, Quality assurance task of researching micro dairy products. Before entering into the manufacturing process, fresh milk that comes must be checked whether the standard meets or not. If fresh milk is already meet the standard, then the fresh milk is already declared eligible and can be processed.

Tests done by the Quality assurance involves three things namely chemistry, physics and microbiology. Chemical examination levels include protein, fat ash, water, pH, sediment, total fat, Chlor test, metal testing, solubility, and others. Physical examination including examination of organoleptic and packaging. Microbiological examination covering the content of microorganisms such as Salmonella bacteria, Staphylococcus, and others. The parameter is the number of methylene examinations Blue Reduction Time (MBRT), which measures the level of bacteria in fresh milk. Examinations conducted by the Quality assurance include:

1. Before the examination process
a. Fresh milk inspection
Examination of fresh milk from cooperatives include micro organic test, physical test and bacteriological tests. Fresh milk that meets the specifications will be cooled for further processing.
b. Raw Material Inspection other than fresh milk
Raw materials used in processes such as WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate), Junior (Scheme Milk Powder), BMP (Butter Milk Powder), lactose, sucrose, maltose, palm oil, soybean oil, minerals, vitamins and pre-mix. Tests done on materials to be used in the production process, including checks micro organic test, physical test and bacteriological tests as well as the inspection of fresh milk.
c. Examination packaging materials
Packaging materials used include aluminum foil, folding box, carton box, and plastic spoons. Examination includes examining color, fold thickness, typography, paper strength, heavy layers of paper and glue. For a plastic spoon, the examination includes color and volume of a spoon.
2. In Process Inspection
Tests done during the production process going. Examination in process was also conducted by the Quality Control (QC). Guidelines and whether or not eligible to rely mostly results from the QC, because the results obtained more quickly. As for specific cases, the results of microbiological examination of QA is needed.
3. In Finished Product Inspection
Tests done by the Quality assurance on the same finished product tests done on the QC, but the status of eligible and whether or not still determined by the Quality assurance. At Quality assurance declared eligible, then the product is safe and can be distributed to consumers. If the product has taken two deviations will rework options whenever possible and discarded if it is not possible.

B. Laboratory Quality Control
Quality Control (QC) is a department in charge of quality control or monitor the macroscopic products. Tests done in the Quality Control is the physical and chemical examination, no microbiological examination. This is done before the product declared marketable. For accuracy monitoring, inspection of products made from the stage in process to finished product.
All materials used are the result of the Quality Control laboratory. Existing equipment is sufficient and carried out by experts in their fields. Inspection done intentionally to prevent the gradual deviations and can be followed up with appropriate treatment. Stages of examination conducted by the Quality Control include:
1. In Process Inspection
An examination of the product during the process of compounding the tank until the dryer. In the examination process conducted by the Quality Control checks include chemistry, physics, among other micro organic test, test sediments, and tap density measurements.
Test test micro organic include color, taste and smell. Sediment test is done by dissolving milk powder and poured milk solution through filter paper. Furthermore, wet filter paper fitted with filter paper samples with the standard A, B, C and D. A standard filter paper is a filter paper that has at least sediment, followed by a standard filter paper B, C and D. Tap density measurement is done by pouring milk powder with a certain mass into measuring cup. Furthermore measuring cup is vibrated 100 times, and obtained the volume of milk powder. Tap density is obtained by dividing the mass by the volume of milk powder milk powder.
2. Examination In Filling and Packing
Inspection of finished product, including:
 Packaging condition of aluminum foil, sealing conditions, aluminum foil code, folding box condition, code of folding boxes, labels, spoons, code of carton box, carton box condition, the contents of carton box, net weight, oxygen leakage.
 Finished Product Specification, performed as listed in the table.
These tests aim to determine the status of raw materials and products. Status is possible to select raw materials are released (acceptable) and reject (rejected), while for the product, which may be the status of NC (not used), released (can be used) and re-process (requiring re-process).

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